
NGO CSW Geneva’s position paper on a 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW)

The NGO CSW-Geneva supports the holding of a 5th World Conference on Women including the 20 Year Review of the Beijing Platform for Action (1995). The Committee’s Position Paper on a 5th Women Conference on Women provides the background to this decision, the rationale for such support and the key issues for considerations.


Panel Event

International Women’s Day 2010: Watershed for Women’s Human Right and Empowerment

This Event was held on Monday 8 March 2010 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, and included 2 panels.


I. 10:00- 11:00am: “2010: Watershed for Women’s Human Rights and  Empowerment”

Focus on the integration of women’s rights in the UN System with reference to innovative ideas, such as a better co-ordination between CEDAW and the UPR of the Human Rights Council.

Moderator: Conchita Poncini (IFUW) President NGO CSW- Geneva


  • Ms. Navanethem Pillay; High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • HE Mr. Marius Grinius, Ambassador of Canada to the UN
  • Ms. Muriel Berset, Minister, Head of Office, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
  • Mr. Patrice Robineau, Senior Advisor to the Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)


II. 11:00- 12:00: “Beijing + 15: Creating New Mechanisms to Accelerate the Implementation of the Platform for Action”

Consideration of the effectiveness of some of the  emerging mechanisms such as the recently adopted UNGA resolution to set up a composite entity in the UN on women,  implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security”, as well as SCR 1820, 1888 and 1889

Moderator:  Krishna Ahoojapatel (WILPF) Vice- president, NGO CSW-Geneva


  • Ms. Joanina Karugaba, SGBV Technical Specialist UNHCR – Implementation 1820
  • Ms. Bineta Diop, Director, Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS)
  • Ms. Stephanie Joubert, Expert Cordaid, “1888 & 1889”
  • Ms. Annelise Ebbe, President, WILPF , “Beijing+15 & 1325”
  • Ms. Natalie Fisher-Spalton, Deputy General Secretary, YWCA,  “Gender Equality Architecture  Reform” GEAR


Events reports & statements for download:

A report on this event made by WILPF

Statements Summaries

Statement by Madame Navanethem Pillay, United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights  (also on the OHCHR website)

Statement by Ambassador Marius Grinius, Canada

Statement by Madame Natalie Fisher-Spalton, Deputy Secretary General of World YWCA

Statement by Madame Annelise Ebbe, International Co-President of WILPF