“Innovation for Gender Equality: Building on the Agreed Conclusions of the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)”; Oral intervention by Carolyn Handschin, for the NGO CSW Geneva to event convened by UN Women and International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Thursday, May 11, 2023.
Read the full document below in pdf.
Category: CSW
Link official documents from CSW 67 https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw67-2023/official-documents
Individual statements:
WFUWO submitted a video statement to the CSW67 General Discussion.
GWI: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/721/81/PDF/N2272181.pdf?OpenElement
SI: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/722/66/PDF/N2272266.pdf?OpenElement
WRI: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/722/85/PDF/N2272285.pdf?OpenElement
NAWO: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/46/PDF/N2274646.pdf?OpenElement
MMM: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/708/65/PDF/N2270865.pdf?OpenElement
IFBPW: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/708/22/PDF/N2270822.pdf?OpenElement
ZONTA: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/722/82/PDF/N2272282.pdf?OpenElement
ICW: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/31/PDF/N2274631.pdf?OpenElement
RDF: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/768/36/PDF/N2276836.pdf?OpenElement
WRI, IAW, MMM, GWI, Zonta, SI, IFBPW: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/721/83/PDF/N2272183.pdf?OpenElement
SI & IFBPW: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/722/88/PDF/N2272288.pdf?OpenElement
SI, GWI, NAWO & WRI: https://daccess-ods.un.org/tmp/2448557.0192337.html
ICW, IAW, SI, Zonta, GWI, IFBPW, FAWCO: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/29/PDF/N2274629.pdf?OpenElement
IAW, ICW, SI, Zonta, GWI, IFBPW: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/30/PDF/N2274630.pdf?OpenElement
WRI, …: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/77/PDF/N2274677.pdf?OpenElement
Zonta, ….: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/746/51/PDF/N2274651.pdf?OpenElement
Activities members of CSW67: sponsoring or co-sponsorship
– 28/02 Consultation Day (virtually): “Geneva- The Heart of Human Rights”
Interactive Panels covered the CSW67 themes: Technology and education, Rural women and girls, Women’s empowerment during multiple crises, Prominent speakers from civil society and youth, academia and research, human rights bodies, governments, UNICEF, UN Women, ITU, WHO, WTO (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:actiity:7033845563976507392)
2. FAWCO – Co-sponsoring with US Women’s Caucus
– 9/03 (in person): with former NGO CSW /NY Chair, Dr Susan O’Malley and Peggy Kerry, former NGO Liaison Officer from the US Mission to the UN. Both have unique first-hand knowledge and will give the backstory of how the NGO’s work with the US Mission at the CSW.
– 14/03 (virtual meeting): “The Gender Digital Divide in the US: Problems, Promises and Progress ” where guests will discuss the issue of providing digital education to women and girls in underserved communities in the US, including rural, indigenous and minority groups.
3. GWI
– 14/03 (virtual): “Innovative Ideas in Education and Advocacy Advancing Women and Girls
– 16/03 *(virtual): “The Gender Equality in Digital Education: Young Women and Financial.
4. ICW:
– 6/03 (in person): “Women’s Empowerment through Education and Training in the Digital Age”
– 7/03 (in person): “Political and Economic Empowerment of Women in the Digital Age”- co-sponsoring with KIWP
– 8/03 (in person): “Survivors: Update Report on the Status of Ukraine’s Women, their Peace and Security, 2022- 2023”.
– 6/03 (in person): “Ensuring Justice for All Especially for Female Innovators and Entrepreneurs” – co-sponsoring with Baha’i International Community
– 6/03 (in person): Widows Rights in a Digital Age”- co-sponsoring with Baha’i International Community
– 14/03 (virtual): “A feminist Internet: Envisaging a better online world for all women and girls”.
6. RDF
– 6/03 (in person); “Digital education, including the violence inherent in its use – Éducation aux outils numériques et aux dangers inhérents à leur utilisation”
– 9/03 (in person): “For women and girls to have rights: ensure birth registration – Pour que les femmes et les filles aient le droit d’avoir des droits, garantir leur enregistrement à l’état civil”.
7. Soroptimist International:
– 06/03 (virtual): “Achieving Gender Equality & Empowerment through Innovation, technology and education”
– 07/03 (virtual): “Opening Doors to Bright Future: Educating, Empowering Enabling Rural Women”
– 10/03 (in-person): “Survivor Voices – Public-Private Partnerships to Support Victims of Stalking in the Digital Age”- co-sponsoring with Taiwan Coalition Against Violence (TCAV)
– 14/03 (virtual): “Technology, Water & Women l” – co-sponsoring with Women for Water Partnerships (WFWP).
– 15/03 (virtual): “Violence Against Women”- co-sponsoring with Zonta
– 16/03 (virtual): “Strengthening the Rights of Older Women in Rural Areas” – co-sponsoring with Global Alliance on the Rights of Older People”
– 16/03 (in person): “Digital Democracy for disasters”
– 8/03 (in person): “Survivors: Update Report on the Status of Ukraine’s Women, their Peace and Security, 2022- 2023”
– 10/03 (virtual): “Sharing thoughts on mental healthcare for Ukraine’s refugees and IDPs”
– 13/03 (virtual): “Ukrainian Women Displaced in Europe and Beyond: Challenges and Solutions”
– 14/03 (virtual): “Legal-Ethical Challenges to surrogacy: Rights of Ukrainian women and children”.
– 9/03 (in person): “Partnership in Equipping Women and Girls with Technological Resilience, Discernment and Protection from Digital Dangers”
– 9/03 (in person): “Gender-Gap Solutions in STEM From Individual, Organizational and State Perspectives”
– 10/03 (virtual) Space for Women, Peace & Environment in the Korean DMZ (with WUNRN)
– 11/03 (in person): “Triumphant Return Project: Return ship Program to Support Women in Technology”.
10. WRI
– 6/03 (in person): Widows Rights in a Digital Age- co- sponsoring with Baha’i International Community & NAWO.
– 7/03 (virtual): “Women on the Frontlines Against Violence & Femicide, for Inclusion” – co-sponsoring with WIDE+
– 8/03 (virtual); “Has Created Direct & Digital Services for South-Asian Americans” – co-sponsoring with SEWA-AIFW
– 9/03 (virtual): “Women & Girls in Forgotten Wars – Give Visibility & Support” – co-sponsoring with Action on Child, Early and Forced Marriage
– 9/03 (virtual): “Women & Corruption – Impact on Women’s Equality, Security & Rights”- co-sponsoring with GWI
– 10/03 (virtual0: “Space for Women, Peace & Environment”- co-sponsoring with WFWPI
– 13/03 (virtual): “Indigenous Native Women Advocacy, Rural & Urban Helplines, Inclusive Services”- co-sponsoring with National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
– 16/03 (virtual): “Girls Empowerment: Strong Is the New Pretty” co-sponsoring with Book Author
– 16/03 (virtual): “Community Policing to Reduce Rural Violence Against Women & Femicide”- co-sponsoring with the International Police Executive Symposium.
12. Zonta:
– 15/03 (virtual): “Violence Against Women”- co-sponsoring with Soroptimist International.
Looking at NGO CSW Geneva at CSW67 – leadup and agreed upon conclusions
Prepared by Women’s Caucus at the UN, short summaries of statistics and specific recommendations, exploring the intersection of “gender and technology” in the sub– categories of; digital divide, education, environment, health, rurality, STEM, and violence against women.
The Briefs are available online at: https://www.uswomenscaucus.org/2022/10/04/new-csw-67-gender-and- technology-briefs/
Watch our Consultation Day event for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)
The NGO CSW Geneva is proud to announce that more than 110 parallel events were organized (and co- organized) by its member organizations and many individual members were active as speakers in different panels. In addition, members of NGO CSW Geneva were very active in writing (and co-signing) various statements during the CSW66.
For the first time, the UN CSW66 addressed “gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, and environmental and disaster risk reduction. The NGO CSW Forum hosted over 750 parallel events with more than 25,000 participants.
Overview Parallel Events CSW66 organized by members of NGO CSW Geneva.
At CSW66, NGO CSW Geneva ran a parallel event titled, “The Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment: Building Global Solidarity and Partnership.” If you missed it, it’s not too late to watch the speakers at the event. It was recorded and uploaded on YouTube here.
At CSW66, Food on All Tables: Promoting access to food for all and its impact on women’s health and rights was recorded. It was recorded and uploaded on YouTube here.