CSW68 Agreed Conclusions (the advance unedited version)
The Commission adopted agreed conclusions on “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective” on March 22, 2024.https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/csw-68-agreed-conclusions-advance-unedited-version-2024-03-22-en.pdf
CSW 68 – “Nourishing Equality and Peace: Addressing Poverty and Food Insecurity”
“Nourishing Equality and Peace: Addressing Poverty and Food Insecurity” – A Call to Action
Women’s Rights International’s Statement with co-signatories to CSW68
In looking at the priority theme; Asking Member States to consider a wider definition of poverty
A Powerpoint on CSW67; Strategy for Impact, Advocacy and Partnership;
Looking at NGO CSW Geneva at CSW67 – leadup and agreed conclusions
Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality; Building on the Agreed Conclusions of the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW);
a summary from the event, May 11, 2023 organized by UN Women, ITU and Girls in Tech
“Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality: Building on the Agreed Conclusions of the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)”; Oral intervention by Carolyn Handschin, for the NGO CSW Geneva
“Innovation for Gender Equality: Building on the Agreed Conclusions of the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)”; Oral intervention by Carolyn Handschin, for the NGO CSW Geneva to event convened by UN Women and International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Thursday, May 11, 2023. Read the full document below in pdf.
NGO CSW Geneva statements to CSW 67
Link official documents from CSW 67 https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw67-2023/official-documents
NGO CSW Geneva member organizations sponsored and/or co-sponsored virtual and in-person parallel and side events to CSW67
Activities members of CSW67: sponsoring or co-sponsorship 1. NGO CSW GVA: – 28/02 Consultation Day (virtually): “Geneva- The Heart of Human Rights”Interactive Panels covered the CSW67 themes: Technology and education, Rural women and girls, Women’s empowerment during multiple crises, Prominent speakers from civil society and youth, academia and research, human rights…
CSW67 – Strategy for Impact, Advocacy and Partnership;
Looking at NGO CSW Geneva at CSW67 – leadup and agreed upon conclusions
Policy Briefs on the CSW67 Theme
Prepared by Women’s Caucus at the UN, short summaries of statistics and specific recommendations, exploring the intersection of “gender and technology” in the sub– categories of; digital divide, education, environment, health, rurality, STEM, and violence against women. The Briefs are available online at: https://www.uswomenscaucus.org/2022/10/04/new-csw-67-gender-and- technology-briefs/
Consultation Day event for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)
Watch our Consultation Day event for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)
CSW66: Overview Events/Statements/Presence 2021-2022
The NGO CSW Geneva is proud to announce that more than 110 parallel events were organized (and co- organized) by its member organizations and many individual members were active as speakers in different panels. In addition, members of NGO CSW Geneva were very active in writing (and co-signing) various statements during the CSW66. Events of…
Overview of Parallel Events CSW66 organized by members of NGO CSW Geneva
For the first time, the UN CSW66 addressed “gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, and environmental and disaster risk reduction. The NGO CSW Forum hosted over 750 parallel events with more than 25,000 participants. Overview Parallel Events CSW66 organized by members of NGO CSW Geneva.…