“What we once enjoyed and loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us,” Helen Keller.
With deep regret we are sharing the sad news of the passing Simone Ovart on 9 January 2019. All of us from the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, Geneva have regrettably lost one of our own; a bright light of compassion and distinction. Her commitment to the Committee through her leadership, current Bureau Advisor, Past-President, Committee Chair and overall influencer and leader, reveals a lifetime of dedication to advancing the status of women and girls.
Remembering Simone brings us strength, ignites compassion and reminds us that all things are possible. She will be deeply missed and may you Rest in Peace, dear Simone. Our Committee’s deepest condolences and prayers go out to Simone’s family, friends and Zonta colleagues.
Most sincerely,
NGO CSW, Geneva Bureau
Stacy Dry Lara
Carolyn Handschin
Anne Riz
Angela Sauvage
Claudia Williams
Paula Daeppen
A message from Claudia Williams, NGO CSW Geneva Secretary
I was deeply saddened to learn today of Simone’s passing. She was a vibrant, strong woman, to whom many have looked for leadership and friendship. I join the many women of CSW and Zonta who especially feel this loss, and together are mourning her passing.
I served as secretary of CSW-Geneva during the last year of Simone’s tenure as president. One of the highlights of our time together was observing her work on the Forum on Women and Global Migration, which she masterminded. She personally knew many influential UN leaders, and was able to suggest many speakers, including the Director General of the UN and several prominent Ambassadors. Under her leadership, the CSW Bureau worked to provide panelists qualified to explore the root causes of migration and to suggest innovative solutions. The Forum was very well attended and successfully met its goal of bringing to light important ways migrant women themselves can bring about change. Given her deep concern for the plight of migrant women, it must have been especially satisfying to Simone to inspire further progress in an area where much improvement is needed.
A message from Carolyn Handschin, NGO CSW Geneva Vice President