
NGO CSW Geneva participation at the CSO meeting on the Advisory Committee Declaration on the Right to Peace on Thursday 24 January 2012

This meeting was organized by the coalition on the Human Right to Peace, which is headed by the Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law, on Thursday 24 January, 10:00 – 13:00, Room XVI of the Palais des Nations, with the support of the NGO Liaison office (moderation by M. Espinoza).

H.E. C. Guillermet, Deputy Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the UN in Geneva and Chair of the intergovernmental Open Ended Intergovernmental Working Group in charge of finalizing the Adisory Committee draft declaration on the Right to Peace, highlighted the importance of the contribution of Civil Society since the beginning of the process, and encouraged present NGO representatives to persevere. He stated his intention to follow what he called a “TICO” approach for the upcoming work on the declaration of the Right to Peace, i.e. to work in a Transparent, Inclusive, Consensual & Objective way. He also highlighted the necessity to better understand the reasons behind the reluctance of some countries to this new Right.

The NGO CSW Geneva was strongly represented among CSO participating at the meeting, with about 10 members delivering statements. These statements highlighted the strong gender dimension of Peace, but at the same time were very diverse, reflecting the diversity of women issues in relation to Peace. In addition, many of these statements pointed to the necessity of highlighting the link between a Right to Peace and all existing Human Rights and corresponding instruments.

See also the introduction by Colette Samoya (Bangwee & Dialogue), facilitator of the Committee’s initiative on the  Right to Peace (in French)

NGO CSW Geneva members statements at this meeting:

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See also the web page of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Peace