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Panel on “Domestic Work: Human Rights of Women- Towards an ILO Convention on Domestic Workers” on May 30

Conchita Poincini as President of the NGO Committere on the Status of Women Geneva and Convener of the Working Group on Women’s Employment and the Economics of Gender was adamant on organising  a two hour lunch event in preparation of the ILO Labour Conference (ILC), which is to be held June 1-17, 2011.

The ILO Labor Conference will discuss for the second year running the adoption of a Convention and/or Recommendation on “Domestic Workers” a particularly exploited and unprotected group of workers, who are mostly women.

In relation to this conference, the NGO-CSW Working Groups on Employment & the Economics of Gender, Displaced Women and Women’s Right to Health, will hold a panel on

“Domestic Work: Human Rights of Women- Towards an ILO Convention on Domestic Workers”

on Monday, May 30, 2011

in Room S4 at the Palais des Nations.


The Event Flyer can be downloaded here