A special diner, jointly organized by the World YWCA and the NGO Committee on the Status of Women Geneva, took place on 24 February 2014 at the Warwick Hotel, Geneva on
Universal Application of CEDAW and Beijing+20 Review
Download: Invitation
A special diner, jointly organized by the World YWCA and the NGO Committee on the Status of Women Geneva, took place on 24 February 2014 at the Warwick Hotel, Geneva on
Universal Application of CEDAW and Beijing+20 Review
Download: Invitation
“We have to think of a very bold goal – one that can be destiny changing.”
Un Women Executive Director, Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, on the post-2015 agenda
After concluding a two-day conference in Geneva to support women’s participation and voice in the Syrian peace process, and before flying off to London for another pressing engagement, UN Women Executive Director, Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, met with members of NGO CSW Geneva on 15 January for a first encounter and open dialogue.
Read the full report on this meeting, kindly shared by NGO SCW Geneva member FAWCO
Many NGO CSW Geneva members joined the Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF), the leader of the white ribbon campaign in Switzerland (www.white-ribbon.ch) and the organizer of a public gathering in the center of Geneva on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day also launches the campaign of “16 Days for the Elimination of Violence against Women”, that will end on 10 December, the International Day for Human Rights.
See also:
This event also saw the launch of the NGO CSW Geneva’s 1st issue of its Advocacy Brief series on Violence against Women, which focus on sexual violence.
NGO CSW Geneva President and World YWCA General Secretary, Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda was awarded the International Minerva Award on November 27 2012 in Roma, Italy.
Established in 1983 by Anna Maria Mammoliti, President of Il Club delle Donne, the Minerva award is given annually to remarkable women working in the fields of entrepreneurship and management, scientific research, arts, literature and social commitment. Nyaradzayi received the award under the category “Women in the world” in recognition of her more than 20 years of work and commitment for the civil and human rights of women.
“I dedicate this award to the millions of invisible heroines who are changing lives and changing communities as well as to my YWCA family”, said Nyaradzayi during the ceremony. “It is our roots that define our being. It is possible for rural girls, with experiences just like mine, growing up in poverty and in war, to have opportunities in life. This is only possible if our governments, and all of you, dare to give priority to peace, development and human rights”.
Dear colleagues and friends of Conchita,
It is with great sadness that I am writing to you with the news of the passing of Conchita last Friday morning. I’ve only just heard the news today.
We’ve all been amazed by Conchita’s unwavering commitment to her principles and vision for the empowerment and dignity of all women- while enduring such a tremendous suffering over the recent months. I often thought when I saw her continued determination throughout her illness- and genuine concern that no opportunity be lost, “could I do that?”. I do not know, but seeing her courage has touched me deeply.
So many have been enriched by her knowledge and so impressed and encouraged by her life- and this will live on. I can say that I really love her and many share that sentiment with me. She has been a great mentor, model and partner, as she always closed her letters “yours in solidarity”. Her vigilant presence will be greatly missed at the United Nations and many, many other circles and I would propose that we could honor her memory in some meaningful way and continue to build upon her good work.
Conchita’s son Albert, has sent a mail, which some of you may have already seen, but which I am copying here.
Our family, Conchita’s sons, grandchildren and daughters-in-law are deeply saddened to inform you that Conchita Jimenez-Poncini has left us today, Friday May 13th 2011, after a long struggle against cancer. She fought this sickness with courage and dignity. She left peacefully this morning, her family beside her. We will miss her love, kindness and generosity. Our world is now very different without her.
Her funeral will be held at the Catholic Church of Troinex, Geneva, on Wednesday May 18th, 2011 at 14h30.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
– Albert & Julie, Alexandra, Sebastien, Louise
– Richard & Laurence, Mélanie
Very sincerely,
Carolyn Handschin
TIME named Ms. Bineta Diop, Founder and Executive Director of Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) and Convener of the Working Group on Women , PEace and Security, to the 2011 TIME 100, the magazine’s annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Ms. Diop of Senegal has led numerous peacebuilding initiatives in Africa with a focus on the protection of women during armed conflicts and their inclusion in peace processes.
See FAS press release here
As decided in the last general meeting, a letter to Michelle Bachelet was written by Conchita Poncini, NGO CSW Geneva President, on February 15.
This letter was handed it to her personally in New York by Simone Ovart, Vice-President.
It can be downloaded here : NGO CSW Geneva letter to Michelle Bachelet february 2011
Simon Ovart, our Committee’s Vice-President was elected President of the Italian National Committee at UN Women, the new UN Agency dedicated to Women.
UN Women National Committees support the mission of UN Women through their dynamic membership programs, public education about UN Women and global women’s issues, and private sector fundraising to support UN Women programs worldwide.
Simone also had the opportunity, during the CSW 55th in New-York last february, to meet with UN Women’s head, Mrs Bachelet, and delivered a letter from the NGO-CSW President Conchita Poncini.
Mrs. Berhane Ras-Work, a long time member of our Committee and WG Convenor, has been awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria, the highest award of Austria, by President Heinz Fischer.
The award ceremony took place on 26th April 2010, with attendees including international diplomats, members of the Austrian Parliament, NGO’s, ministries, as well as EU and UN representatives, and international journalists.
Among other things, Mrs Ras-Work has been fighting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices(HTP). Mrs. Ras-work is the first African/Ethiopian to break the taboo of FGM and the founder of The Inter-African Committee which now operates in 28 African countries to bring an end to FGM and other HTPs.
Further details about Mrs. Ras-Work pcan be found on her website: www.berhane-raswork.com.