Advocacy work Events Panel Event

International Women’s Day 2011: “Celebrating Women’s Rights: Higher Education – Pathway to Gender Equality and Decent Work”

On the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, the NGO CSW Geneva organized a roundtable on “Celebrating Women’s Rights: Higher Education – Pathway to Gender Equality and Decent Work”, which was held on 8 March 2011 in the Palais des Nations in Geneva.



Kyung-Wha Kang, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights – see her statement (on the OHCHR website)

Patricia Schultz, CEDAW Committee, former Director of Federal Department of Equality in Switzerland

Daniel Kull, World Bank

Marianne Haslegrave, President, International Federation of University Women (IFUW)

• Jane Hodges, Director, ILO Bureau for Gender Equality


Download: Event report by Carolyn Handschin, Women’s Federation for World Peace, Int’l.


Advocacy work Other

Letter from the Committee to UN Women Michelle Bachelet

As decided in the last general meeting, a letter to Michelle Bachelet was written by Conchita Poncini, NGO CSW Geneva President, on February 15.

This letter was handed it to her personally in New York by Simone Ovart, Vice-President.

It can be downloaded here : NGO CSW Geneva letter to Michelle Bachelet february 2011


Advocacy work Other

NGO-CSW Geneva Vice-President, Simone Ovart, elected President of the Italian National Committee at UN Women

Simon Ovart, our Committee’s Vice-President was elected President of the Italian National Committee at UN Women, the new UN Agency dedicated to Women.

UN Women National Committees support the mission of UN Women through their dynamic membership programs, public education about UN Women and global women’s issues, and private sector fundraising to support UN Women programs worldwide.

Simone also had the opportunity, during the CSW 55th in New-York last february, to meet with UN Women’s head, Mrs Bachelet, and delivered a letter from the NGO-CSW President Conchita Poncini.

Advocacy work Panel Event Rights, Peace & Justice Thematic Forums

Pre-side Event to the Review Process of UN SCR 1325 : Public Discussion: “10 years after UN SCR 1325: Conflict Prevention Mechanisms” with Ms Mary Robinson

On 2 September 2010, the Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, chaired by Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) and co-chaired by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), organized, as a pre-side Event to the review process of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, a panel discussion on the mechanisms of Prevention.


  • Ms Mary Robinson, President, Realizing Rights; Member, Council of Elders; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 1997-2002; President of Ireland 1990-1997
  • Ms Bineta Diop, Executive Director, Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS)
  • Ms Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, General Secretary, World YWCA

Chair:  Ms Madeleine Rees, Secretary General, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)


The Event flyer can be downloaded here.


Advocacy work Other Violence against Women and Girls

Berhane Ras-Work, Convenor of the WG on Violence against Women and Girls receives highest Austrian award

Mrs. Berhane Ras-Work, a long time member of our Committee and WG Convenor, has been awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria, the highest award of Austria, by President Heinz Fischer.

The award ceremony took place on 26th April 2010, with attendees including international diplomats, members of the Austrian Parliament, NGO’s, ministries, as well as EU and UN representatives, and international journalists.

Among other things, Mrs Ras-Work has been fighting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Harmful Traditional Practices(HTP). Mrs. Ras-work is the first African/Ethiopian to break the taboo of FGM and the founder of The Inter-African Committee which now operates in 28 African countries to bring an end to FGM and other HTPs.

Further details about Mrs. Ras-Work pcan be found on her website:


Advocacy work Economic Empowerment & Employment Panel Event

Special Presentation by World Bank Director Mayra Buvinic – 4 november 2009

Special presentation on 4 November 2009 in the Palais de Nations in Geneva :

“The Global Economic Crisis and the Empowerment of Women”


Director of the Gender in Poverty Reduction Vice Presidency of the WORLD BANK

In preparation for the Beijing+15 54th Commission on the Status of Women in 2010, the World Bank in Geneva and the CoNGO Geneva NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW) have invited Ms. Mayra Buvinic to present the Bank’s strategy and policy in approaching the financial and economic crisis from a women’s empowerment and gender equal perspective and how gender equality is mainstreamed in the Bank.

Downloads :

Event Flyer

Event Report by Conchita Poncini (IFUW)