Events Open Meeting

NGO CSW Geneva Monthly Luncheon at 11 av. de la Paix on 12 February

12:30 to 14:00 in the meeting room at 11 av. de la Paix, Geneva Concept: Open to all members and newcomers People bring their own lunch Coffee and tea will be served Sharing information about programs of work and events in Geneva and beyond Sharing participation at UN sessions, conferences and events Inviting occasional guest […]

12:30 to 14:00 in the meeting room at 11 av. de la Paix, Geneva


  • Open to all members and newcomers
  • People bring their own lunch
  • Coffee and tea will be served
  • Sharing information about programs of work and events in Geneva and beyond
  • Sharing participation at UN sessions, conferences and events
  • Inviting occasional guest speakers

Please confirm attendance to wwsf @